
4.1 Explain The Importance Of The Weight-Centred Paradigm

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4.1 Explain The Importance Of The Weight-Centred Paradigm
4.1 Weight centred paradigm
The weight centred paradigm focuses on a certain image related to your level of fitness and diet. It is powered from the desire to reduce body fat or weight or to prevent gaining excess fat driven by both aesthetic and health images on social media. The war on obesity is a broad health-based set of expectations based off media problematizing excess body fat and creating solutions to the 'problem' of being overweight. Some research suggests that body weight is the source of health problems and backs up this paradigm. Though the weight centred paradigm comes with a range of harms including “body dissatisfaction, dieting, disordered eating, discrimination and death”. Health promotion programs that operate within the
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Health at Every Size is a theory supported by “professionals from many disciplines, including scientists, academic researchers, physicians, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists, and civil rights activists, who advocate a new way of approaching weight.” The health at every size paradigm values that you don’t need to have slim bodies to be classed as fit. An individual can be both underweight and overweight and be classed as healthy due to diets and exercise. It supports people of all sizes in addressing health directly by adopting healthy behaviours. The paradigm recognizing biomedical factors, it views our size, race, national origin, sexuality, gender, disability status, and other attributes. Therefore acknowledging the challenges some individuals face when it comes to being healthy and physically well. This paradigm has a positive impact towards people’s motivation and self-esteem, people are able to feel healthy and good in their bodies without worrying about their image and how much they …show more content…
The film is based on a toned athletic teen, Aly. Her mother and brother struggle with their weight, her brother is constantly being bullied at school about the way he looks. She decides to pose as a 250-pound high-school student for a documentary film contest and face the ridicule and harassment that young adolescents face due to their weight. This film has been directed to and viewed by thousands of young adolescents. “To be fat like me” was released in early 2007, therefore making it relevant to our generation today. It is a relatively knew and was created when our media sources were beginning to enlarge in the population. There are many positive reviews about the message the film is trying to portray. It is clear that they have successfully got the message across to the audience about there view on obesity. One review from IMDb states “The issue of obesity is a very real problem. However, the problems are not just health-wise, but also a sociological and psychosocial

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