I heard things about him from my Val. Ed. Teacher, Ma’am Girl, and saw him once on the television. Because my mom likes him, I listened to one of his episodes in channel ten. It was about the different types of personalities of people. There are four namely Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic.
If you are a bubbly, hyperactive and social person, then you are a Sanguine. Sanguines are fast and spontaneous persons. They are the life of parties. They are like people that are always full charged and needs no batteries. They also love to help other people and want a healthy environment. But, like every other thing in this world, being a sanguine has its own disadvantages such as being too carefree, crazy, always at parties and not so serious in life.
If you have the leader in your spirit, then you are a Choleric. Cholerics are confident and always speaks their mind. They will fight for their side. They are strong and brave persons. They are the greatest CEOs, presidents, politicians, and businessmen in the world. But being a Choleric can also turn you into an arrogant and bossy person. They are dictatorial, just like Hitler. They are the bullies because they think they are the superiors. Being a Choleric can be the best or the worst personality.
If you are shy but an inventor behind those facades, then you are a Melancholic. Melancholics are the greatest artists, sculptors, scientists and inventors in the world. They are slow but sure in making decisions. They daydream and invent great things but they want privacy. They have limited exposures but they want quality and credibility. They are easily affected when problems arise or bad things happen.