The Variations in the Divine Names in Genesis;
The Secondary Variations in Diction and Style;
The Parallel or Duplicate Accounts (Doublets);
The Continuity of the Various Sources.
The theory basically tries to debunks Moses as being the author of Genesis through rationalization and higher criticism. The JEDP theory tries to shift the authorship to 400 bc rather than 1400 bc and tries to also take the supernatural out of it.
2. Give the “contributions” Spinoza and Astruc made to this theory. 17th Century Philosopher Spinoza doubted and finally gave up mosaic authorship that moses wrote Genesis and finally French Physician Jean Atruc isolated the document theory and started to divide itwith his “Higher Criticism”. He is considered the father of higher criticism.
3. How does Davis refute this theory?
External evidence in the Penateuch references Moses as the author and Jesus Himself says Moses was the author. (Mark12:26). The Jews and Palestines agreed in the Apocrypha and both Talmud’s. Internal evidence points to exact literary and historical and details that are way to accurate for someone to remember hundreds of years later. Moses was also trained in the Egyptian Royal court, so he had the skills to write Genesis.
4. Give several examples of external evidences for Mosaic authorship?
Davis gives “(cf. Exod. 17:14; 24:4; 34:27; Num. 33:1, 2; Deut. 31:9)” “Joshua 1:7, 8,” Also the Torah had already appeared in literary form. These all pointed as Moses being the Author.
5. Give several examples of internal evidences for Mosaic authorship? Davis says:
“(cf. Lev. 18:3; Deut. 12:9; 15:4, 7; 17:14; Num. 2:1ff.; Lev. 14:8; 16:21; 17:3, 9). He must have been an eyewitness since innumerable details in the Pentateuch would have