Marine Soft Tech
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What is the purpose of Customs Act, 1962 ? .................................................
What are Customs Duties ? .........................................................................
What is Customs Tariff Act, 1975 ? .............................................................
What is the Authority to levy Customs Duty ? ..............................................
How many Chapters & Sections are there in the Customs Act and what are the Important Tasks assigned to Indian Customs ?........................................
6. What are the Constitutional Provisions ? ......................................................
7. What are the other major Rules & Regulations ? ...........................................
8. What are the notifications & Board Circulars under Customs Act ? ...............
9. What are the Similarities in Central Excise and Customs ? ............................
10. What are the differences between Territorial Waters of India & Indian
Customs Waters ? .........................................................................................
11. What is the Significance and Importance of Indian Customs Water &
Exclusive Economic Zone ? ..........................................................................
12. What do you mean by Ad-valorem Duties ? ...................................................
13. What is the Scope and Coverage of Customs Law ? ......................................
14. What do you mean by Foreign Going Vessel or Aircraft ? ..............................
15. What are the different kinds of Customs Duties ? .........................................
16. What are the Common links between Customs and Central Excise ? .............
17. Explain Nature of Customs Duty and taxable event ? ....................................
18. Explain Taxable event in case of Exports ? ....................................................