Outcome 1
1: Factors impacting an individual with sensory loss are mainly how an individual perceives themselves, it can have a negative or positive affect this can cause depression, other related illness or even lead towards isolation. Factors influencing an individual may be the following:
• Is the sensory loss noticeable?
• Is the condition going to improve or worsen over time?
• How do people see me and how they react towards me?
• What support will I receive and is that support trained or adequate?
2: Societal attitudes and belief has a very large to play on an individual. Individuals can fell patronised, made to feel stupid and feel that they are stereotyped, for example all people with disability are stupid. Lack of knowledge, ignorance and beliefs from society can be summed up with some common society beliefs listed below:
• Individuals with sensory loss are old or too disabled to change.
• Use to dealing with people in certain way and are not willing or want to change their ways.
• They are afraid of what the disability is and the cost of dealing with helping individuals with disabilities.
• The time taken to learn new skills in assisting an individual and is worth doing.
Outcome 1
3: Service provision to individuals with sensory loss can be greatly improved by adapting and modeifying surroundings to suit an individual’s needs; this will help to live independently and keep individuals as safe possible. Surroundings should be kept familiar, tidy and routes clear from obstruction.
Giving staff training gives staff knowledge and confidence to work with an individual’s care requirements, this will assisting individuals with their independence. Training helps to identify sensory problems and deterioration of sensory loss or spot any improvement.
Encourage individuals to access community facilities by guidance and support to developing links and access to facilities within their community such as