1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice
It is essential, in order to provide a good quality of service and ensure best practise, that managers and their staff receive the relevant & regular mandatory training and updates. This training should be identified at the annual appraisal and then reviewed at supervision where positive/negative feedback can be given as appropriate to show how any training received is incorporated into the job role whereby improving knowledge skills and best practise. In addition to this, all new and unqualified staff must complete induction training to Skills for Care specification within six weeks of appointment. The learning achieved through this training will enable new employees to provide the required quality of service to the clients and therefore meet their needs as set out in their individual care plans. Not only is continual personal development training essential it is in line with legislation and The Essential Standards for Quality and Safety.
1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development
There are numerous potential barriers to professional development such as;
Personal (social, emotional barriers)
Time pressures (family or other commitments)
Time management
Financial barriers if self-funding/or barriers if the organisation do not have the funds for staff training
Organisational barriers (staffing levels and not enough cover)
Work pressures can I get the time off, will it increase my workload)
Senior management may be unwilling to cooperate /promote CPD
Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development
There are numerous different sources and systems of support for professional development. Here are some listed below;
Appraisals and supervision sessions for 1-1 with line manager
Colleagues/ supervisors/mentors can give advice and support
Team meetings for consultation and gaining