Outcome 1 understand roles and responsibilites in the prevention and control of infections.
1, explain emplyees roles and responsibilities in relation to prevention and control of infection.
As a employee it is really important that i attened infection contol training that the company offer and to have a good awareness of the safe provision of care to all are clients it is also important that i report any failures of hygiene and cleanliness to our manger or supervisor.
Every care worker must undertake a practical introduction before being sign off this will enable me
to provide a good service that will include infection control.
Outcome 1
2, explain employers responsibilities in relation to preventtion and control infecection. its is down to my employer to make sure that care worker have the right training and knowledge and understanding of infection control before we get signed off and that we have the right equipment that needed to carry out our work . ie gloves, apron, hand gel,
It is also important that field care supervisors carry out spot checks visits, this is to monitor the safe practice that is carried out by the care worker.