1. What elements of satire did you notice upon your first read of the article?
The first element of satire I noticed was the use of parody, in the first paragraph the author uses the word “pseudoscience”, which is like a fake science and it is disclaiming what the people are claiming.
2. What rhetorical strategies contribute to the satire? How are they effectively used?
The author uses sarcasm to emphasize the satire in the writing. He also uses logos and ethos; he uses logic to tell that the MagnaSoles are not a proven way to cure illnesses and uses diction to mocks quotes from the inventor himself as well as people who use them.
3. What are the key differences between student response 2A and student response 2B? How do you account for the three point difference in scores?
In 2A there is a lot more detail as well as the actual rhetorical strategy’s name is given. Also 2B doesn’t quote half as much as 2A, 2B also doesn’t have the smarter diction that 2A uses.
4. Explain the score received by the writer of 2C. Where do you think this writer might have missed an opportunity to craft a much stronger essay? Where are the opportunities for improvement?
The author of 2C does not give a lot of rhetorical strategies except “over exaggeration” and the first paragraph isn’t on topic to the prompt. To improve this essay I would add more rhetorical strategies as well as quoting the article itself to give better specific examples.
5. Based on your evaluation of the question, responses, and scoring commentary, what advice would you give to your classmates for approaching a question which requires an insightful analysis of satire?
To write a good essay you have to read the prompt thoroughly so you know what they are asking for and also give good examples by quoting the actual articles. Also you should name the actual rhetorical strategies that have been used in the article.