Department of Writing Studies
WRI 101: Academic Writing
Spring 2014
Instructor: C. Horger Meeting Times: Mon/Wed 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30
E-mail: Meeting Location: Lang 102 and 109
Telephone: 515-2717 Office: Lang. 220
Office Hours: 10:00-12:00 S/T
Course Description
Academic Writing challenges students to recognize, understand, and produce academic writing. It requires students to practice strategies for reading academic material by responding to texts in both formal and informal writing assignments and classroom discussion. It helps students enhance their writing skills through use of the writing process, and develops the necessary grammar and mechanical skills for written English proficiency through contextualized grammar instruction.
Successful completion of WRI 001 or placement through the English Placement Test.
Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Materials
Materials posted on iLearn
Horger, C., Zytkoskee, M. & Bhagestani, S. (Eds). (2013). The DWS Reader (2nd Ed.). Sharjah: Department of Writing Studies, AUS.
A paperback college level English dictionary of the student’s choice
Course Objectives and Outcomes
This course is designed to help students master the basic literacy skills necessary for successful university achievement by providing instruction and guided practice in both reading and writing strategies. Through their experience in WRI 101 students will
Employ reading strategies to enhance understanding, including composing formal summaries.
Practice vocabulary building strategies for academic purposes.
Recognize and use rhetorical strategies common to academic writing.
Effectively use all stages of the writing process to compose academic essays, appropriate to university level writing.
Produce well-organized, well-developed academic essays