Ms Leila Hussein
Dear Ms Leila
Coffee Ville is pleased to formally offer you the position of café manager in our coffee shop.
As discussed you will be responsible for the manager support function for our store. The duties and responsibilities that you will be expected to carry out are detailed in the attached job description (appendix 3). You will report directly to the Emma and your normal working hours are expected to be 7.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Saturday. Your starting date will be February 24, 2015.
Your compensation package includes a weekly salary of $931 payable biweekly, health insurance, life and disability insurance, sick leave, vacation and personal days through our company's employee benefit plan.
This job offer is contingent on your passing the mandatory drug screening. This will be arranged once you have acknowledged your acceptance of this job offer.
Please signify your acceptance of this offer by signing and dating this letter where indicated below These documents can be returned directly to my attention using the business-reply envelope enclosed. A copy of each of these documents is enclosed for your records. We require acceptance by January 26, 2015.
We look forward to welcoming you to the company. Please let me know if you require any further information, I can be reached directly at (1234 5678).
Joe Belfone
Cafe ManagerBy signing and dating this letter I, Emma Belcastran, accept this job offer of Administrative Assistant by ABC Company.Signature: Emma Belcastran Date: 21,Jan.2015
Mr Raj Mukherjee
6 Hell St.
Melbourne, Australia, 1234
Dear John:
Coffee Ville wants to thank you for taking the time to participate in our hiring process through the second interview stage. This letter is to let you know that we have selected another candidate.
You were an exceptional candidate for our job and we hope that you apply for openings at Coffee Ville for which you