I guess this is completely help you with the topic given. Its just about how to motivate people with less amount of incentive(s) or with lack of incentives.
5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Motivated With Lack of Incentive Programs
Employee wages have decreased by about 2% since October 2010, and have been flat since the beginning of the year. If your company simply doesn’t have the funds for pay increases, you need to be creative in order to minimize turnover, as holding onto current staff is much more cost-effective than finding new help. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep your workers motivated, all while continuing to reduce labor costs in your business.
1. Communicate With Them
When it comes to motivating staff, most employers think an incentive program of some sort is the only way to go. But how about this for an idea: Communicate with your employees. As a small business owner myself, I instituted a “Monday Morning Cup of Coffee” program with my staff. Each week, I choose one staff member with whom I spend 30 minutes to an hour just talking. Often, the conversation isn’t even business-related. When an employee knows they’re truly valued and that their boss has a genuine interest in them, they’re much more likely to perform well.
2. Institute a Casual Dress Day
There are two ways you can approach this. First, you can simply offer it across the board to your staff as an added benefit. Friday is typically the most popular day. Or, you can make it a competition by offering it to the top-performing