Director Flash is a program and a multimedia application which can be used to create games and interactive products which allows the creator to be the director and the program can support both 2D and 3D projects. The advantages of using director flash is that it can be easily integrated with other 3D programs such as Maya and True space, it also has free unlimited publishing of content whether that would be on a CD, USB or on the internet. When it comes to disadvantages of this software the price is a big issue when it retails at £292.74, it also requires some skill to use and is not so simple and straight forward as you have to learn the basics and then work your way up.…
The year was 1992. A small team of animators were soon to present to the world an innovation that would forever change the realm of cinema. Until this point, special effects artists were mostly limited to methods of stop-motion animation and practical effects to create fantastical displays within a film. That was until ground-breaking director Stephen Spielberg, who is most famous for his work in classic films such as E.T. and Jaws, made a single decision that would influence film-making to this day. It was the decision to utilize computer graphics in the iconic production, Jurassic Park. Filmmakers had used computer graphics previously but for CGI to break through, technology needed to be advanced…
Films, games, architecture, product design and advertising are just a handful of global high profit industries that use large aspects of the 3D pipeline to get their jobs done, with knowing how important 3D is in the modern world it is an industry I’d like to be a part of.…
A distinctively visual text influences our view of the world, and object or a person by the composer presenting us with new ideas and emotions that let us see from another point of view. Henry Lawson is an Australian writer that has the ability to twist his readers into his stories so they understand the true feelings and emotions of the characters. He presents us with the idea the bush is a negative place to live. But all Australians have a connection with it.…
is key in learning, but what is one to do when everybody teaches differently. Teachers must try to accommodate the need of every student, which is difficult because there are twenty or more students in every class with differing learning styles. Most people know how they learn, but some are still trying to figure out how to fully comprehend what they are learning.…
“…A person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between.” This is basic thinking for genocide and the way genocide works. If you are against the group in power then you are as good as dead to them. In the crucible this is exactly what happens, the court inflicts fear upon the people and tells them they are either with or against the court. This was in certain ways a form of genocide and many acts of genocide have occurred. In Cambodia major genocide occurred in 1975 and was very similar to that of the crucible which is why these forms of hysteria connect without a doubt.…
Achievers have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.…
Obesity is the condition of being very over weight. Did you know this condition has affected millions of Americans throughout out the United States! People who are obese deal with many negative health factors throughout out their lives. These include depression, anxiety, and sometimes even death. Most people that deal with this medical issue have many social problems. Something has to change! With so many Americans living such unhealthy lives, they are becoming disabled from living happy normal lives. People who are overweight should also try to increase their exercise levels and eat healthier in order to maintain healthy lifestyles and overcome obesity.…
In Roger Ebert’s essay ,“Why I hate 3D (and you should too)” he says, “3D is a waste of a perfectly good dimension”. However I disagree with this. I believe that three dimensional is a major stepping stone into the future. When someone watches a 3D movie, it helps put them into the movie, it makes them see things that they wouldn’t have in a regular movie.…
Adobe® Director® 11.5 and Adobe Shockwave® Player software help you create and publish compelling interactive games, demos, prototypes, simulations, and eLearning courses for the web, Mac and Windows® desktops, DVDs, and CDs. Integrate virtually any major file format, including FLV and native 3D content, for the greatest return on your creativity. Top features: support for more than 40 video, audio, and image file formats, rich audio capabilities with 5.1 channels surround sound, real-time mixing, and DSP filters, support for MP4, H.264, FLV, and F4V video formats and video streaming, powerful 3D support including Google SketchUp importer, advanced physics with NVIDIA® PhysX™ support, support for Adobe Flash® 9 software and video created with Flash technology, Unicode support, enhanced text rendering engine, support for ByteArray datatype, enhanced Script Browser, bitmap filters, Xtra plug-ins, easy multiversion output.…
You may ask yourself, “Why is college important to me?" Well if you think about it for a little bit, you will come up with some of these. First of all, you can get good grades, feel good about yourself, and get a good paying job if you had went/gone to college. Next, while you’re a student at your college; you can participate in a variety of clubs and activities, which can also provide many opportunities and advantages. Then, did you know that; people with a college education can learn and earn twice as more as those who only has/have a high school diploma. Finally, did you know that; college graduates lives longer, have/has better access to health care, and has more income then people who aren’t in college.…
For my visual I did a stop motion animation explaining how Edmond Dantès evolves and changes throughout the story. Dantès started to evolve and change when he was sent to the Châtaeu D’If, so I started my video by describing what Dantès was like before he was sent to prison. For the video, I used both words and pictures to show how Dantès changes throughout the story.…
Persistence of vision was discovered in the early 1800's. Our eye and brain retain a visual impression for about 1/30th of a second. Persistence of vision prevents us from noticing that a motion picture screen is dark about half the time, and that a television image is just one bright, fast, discrete dot sweeping the screen. Motion pictures show one new frame (still picture of the movie clip) every 1/24th of a second and the same frame is shown three times during this time period (Persistence, 2001). The eye retains the image of each frame long enough, giving an illusion of smooth, continuous motion. Animation uses exactly the same principle to render the idea of motion.…
3D animation has been in movies and computer games since the 1970s. The initial techniques were simplistic and were only featured for certain aspects such as the space back grounds and special effects in “Star Wars”. Since the graphics used in 3D animation are computer generated the technology followed the advances in computer software. After the release of the Apple Macintosh personal computer, programs such as 3D Studio Max made it even easier…
Everyone is different in their learning styles and ways they comprehend in a classroom. Some people are known for how gritty they are and their determination while others may be the opposite. It is a part of who you are as a learner. People gain knowledge in different ways. Some people tend to learn more auditorily while others may be kinesthetic or visual. People also enjoy learning in different ways with their different intelligences. One person may be existential, rhythmic, or interpersonal and there is still six other intelligences they could grow in. Everyone has a unique way of learning that makes them who they are as students.…