Loyalty: “Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S constitution, the Army, and other soldiers”. This can be applied to my role as a student as I will be loyal to my fellow classmates and teachers. In my personal opinion, Loyalty means being a person that others can count on, so when the time comes, I will be there to do what needs to be done.
Duty: “Fulfill your obligations” Accept responsibility for your own actions and those entrusted to your care. As a student I will accomplish the task that needs to be done, no matter how much I would rather be doing something else. If I do not fulfill my duties on a regular basis, then those around me will have to pick up the slack, and any sense of loyalty begins to become tarnished.
Respect: “Treat people as they should be treated”. How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization. I will respect everyone in my class and also my teachers. I would want them to treat me the same way. With respect we can get a lot accomplished and complete things as a team.
Selfless Service: “Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own”. Selfless service leads to organizational teamwork and encompasses discipline, self-control and faith. In college and in life I will commit to go a little further, and get the job done right the first time.
Honor: “Live up to all the Army values”. I will encompass all the values into one and apply them to everyday life as a College student and my life in general. I believe these values are important to live by.
Integrity: “Do what is right, legally and morally”. Be willing to do what is right even when no one is looking. I have a real bad self conscience so I would not be able to cheat. I am an honest person and I will always be this way.
Personal Courage: “Our ability to face fear, danger, or adversity, both physical and moral courage”. I will take responsibility for my decisions and actions and accept responsibility for my mistakes and shortcomings. I will try my hardest not to make mistakes but no one is perfect.
These are the values that I live by every day. They are what I stand for. In everyday situations I can apply one of these values.
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