Habit 4 -- Think Win/Win
Principles of Interpersonal Leadership
Six Paradigms of Human Interaction
Win/Win or No Deal
Agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial
A belief in the Third Alternative -- a better way
Use of position, power, credentials, possessions or personality to get one's way.
The win/lose mentality is dysfunctional to interdependence.
Lose/Win people are quick to please or appease.
Capitulation -- giving in or giving up.
Note. Many executives, managers and parents oscillate between Win/Lose and Lose/WIN.
Result of encounters between two Win/Lose individuals.
Also the philosophy of highly dependent people.
Win at all costs. Other people don't matter.
The most common approach in everyday negotiation.
Which Option is Best?
Most situations are part of an interdependent reality.
Win/Win solutions are synergistic.
Win/Win or No Deal
If we can't find a solution that would benefit both parties, we agree to disagree.
Most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or enterprise.
Five Dimensions of Win/Win
Character. The foundation of Win/Win o Integrity. The value we place on ourselves. o Maturity. The balance between courage and consideration. o Abundance Mentality. There is plenty out there for everybody.
Relationships. Courtesy, respect and appreciation for the other person and his point of view.
Agreements. Cover a wide scope of interdependent action. o Desired results o Guidelines o Resources o Accountability o Consequences
Supportive Systems. Reward systems must reflect the values of the mission statement.
Processes. The route to Win/Win: o See the problem from another point of view. o Identify the key issues and concerns involved. o Determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable