Emotional Intelligence
February 07, 2013
Emotional Intelligence By: Jasmine N. Gresham (SSCI206-1205D-01) DiMatteo
* Do you think that positive psychology is in more demand now that stress and economic hardship is more prominent in our country? * Are people under more stress now than in the past? * A description of the field of positive psychology * Your critique of positive psychology * What research suggests on the value of this developing field * How you would apply what you have learned about positive psychology to enhance your happiness and positive outlook on life – ways to build a positive perspective and state of mind.
In this post I will explain what positive psychology is, positive psychology’s popular demand to the world today? The importance of Emotional Intelligence is something that needs to be recognized. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of ones self, and others. Emotional intelligence is a central part of our everyday lives, both professionally and personally, and as such it is important to become aware of exactly how you rate your own emotional intelligence.
After the emotional intelligence test that was provided on www.ihhp.com/testsites.htm, I had the chance to learn more about myself and how I respond to those around me. As I was taking this test I realized that much of my emotional intelligence is not only concerned with my own feelings and actions but how others affect me in my past, present, and future. The questions that asked about my emotional intelligence in regards to my manager made me stop and realize how I allow others to effect me. My emotional intelligence score was a seventy-five. I was very pleased overall. My results
References: www. businessballs.com>self/personal development (retrieved February 07,2013) www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligenc/.../EI2004MayorSaloveyCarusotarget (retrieved February 07,2013) www.eitheory.com (retrieved February 07,2013)