Al-qaeda was founded by the multi-millionaire Osama Bin Laden in the late 1980s. Osama bin Laden had not always a despicable person. He started training mujahideen, a group of Islamic Jihadist. A Jihad is Islamic fundamentalist who participates in or supports jihad, especially armed and violent confrontation. After Osama returned to Saudi Arabia he was thought to be a hero, and the US even referred to him as a “freedom fighter.” Although, that did not last forever, after several attempts to silence him, because he was disappointed in what he believed was a corrupt government, Osama Bin Laden was soon banished, then lived in exile in Sudan beginning in …show more content…
9/11 was a wake up call that the security needed to change. Ever since airports were created, both the airports and flight security have been an area of struggle and concern for the United States government. The government went to the Federal Aviation Administration and passed many bills to insure the safeness of airports and planes following the event of 9/11.The cooperation had regulation about bringing specific things onto your carry on and in your checked bag. People felt as though some of the regulation were unnecessary and overbearing. Before 9/11 an airport would not have as strict security, but would have some security. With the new security came new technology as well, the technology was good and bad. For example, some changes are that officers in the past did have to go thought the same precautions as they do now. Now people in the airport have to take their shoes, jewelry and anything that could be able to harm another person, or something you could store something illegal or outlawed in. But some people have a differnt opinions and feel that these new procaustion arent that bad, or even better. “I actually prefer to get body scanned versus a pat down. I find the body scan to be a little less personal”-Bruce Kornfeld The changes that all the airports made impacts the government's financial stand greatly. The amount of money the government