Sometimes it 's made for good sometimes for bad
But if we look behind us there 's a wave coming down
Carrying us forward to a new age Chorus: What about the world around us
How can we fail to see
And now that our fathers have gone
And we 've been left to carry on
What about the age of reason Verse: So why can 't we be still why can 't we love each other
Is kindness an ancient skill buried by our blindness
And if we look behind us there 's a wind blowing in
To create the age of reason Chorus Instrumental Verse: If we consider carefully the options put before us
So much wisdom so much love so much waiting for us
And if we look …show more content…
ahead there 's the sun and the seasons
Another day another age of reason Chorus x 2 Outro (Chorus Fading out)
The instruments include John on main Vox
David on Keys
Brett on Guitars
Angus on Drums & Percussion
Wayne on Bass
Venetta on Vox with Lindsay
With 2 additional Vox in the background (Ross, Joe & Lisa)
Tom on Piano accordion & Mandolin
"Age of Reason" being about the urgency for the world to wake up and solve its problems.
"Age of Reason" is a song by Australian Synth Pop singer John Farnham. It is the first single off his album Age of Reason (album), released in 1988, and written by Todd Hunter and Johanna Pigott.
The single was used in a promo for Australia 's Channel Seven News in 2000. Age of Reason is 4/4 and is in the genre of pop
Rhythm -
Song starts and finishes with clock ticking as it is saying we are running out of time in the world to figure out what is happening to the world around us? Intro - Clock ticking to get beat and rhythm
Bass drum - in background on the beat
4/4 - down beat (drums) Melody - Minor Tonality
Whole Diatonic scale
B Minor Chord based melodies
Pop There is a motif which is the question "What about the age of reason?" One Main Melody
The melody moves in intervals in the whole diatonic scale and the intervals recur very regularly throughout the whole song.
This is the riff recurring.
The phrasing is Balanced and is repetitive and is a question with a small answer but leaving us with views and the question "what about the world and the age of reason?" The climax is at every chorus and how it builds up to the motif in each chorus asking the question!
Harmony -
There are Major Chords throughout the song in mainly the chorus but it is also balanced with minor chords
There are 2 female backing singers giving a harmony in the chorus (ahhhh)
B, D, F# (1, 3, 5)
No Modulation
There are lots of repeated chord patterns
The harmonic accompaniment is mainly
"ahhs" and repeating the chorus in the background saying "what about the world" Tone Colour -
Sound effects - clock
Electronic drums or a pad in some sections Texture and Tone Colour
2:30 min - 3:00 mins is keys solo
Small ensemble - drums, bas, vox, keys, backing vox
Vocal sounds is mainly singing and the backing singers
String sounds are on the bass and they are plucked
Is played brightly and warm giving a clear message!
The instruments are being combined together as an ensemble but are panned to different sides. Drums mainly Left keys a little right. Bass also a little left and vox in the centre to give that overhead message to make it the main thing. Which gives it the warm
Male vox is tenor
Female vox is soprano or alto
Structure -
The main motif is the question/quote asking "what about the world and age of reason?" This re-occurs every chorus!
This is a repetition of the theme and motif throughout the whole song but is developed in each verse with John Farnham telling the story and asking more questions to then get a message through.
This song is in Rondo form (A B A C A) with an instrumental keys solo in the middle.
There are cannon parts between the main vox and the backing male singers asking the question "what about the world?"
1 Main Theme ? Elements: - Intro - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Instrumental - Verse - Chorus x2 - Outro (Chorus fading out)
Dynamics -
No change in volume just a change in how many instruments play and when. But also how calm or instance the instruments are At 3 mins the instruments calm down a bit and then build up again in the chorus at about 3:30 mins There is an accent in the last 10 seconds (>) (crescendo) of the song when the singing and instruments fade out and the clock ticking fades back in to end No tempo change Throughout the song the music is generally the same with how loud it is but the instruments do play softer at times in the verses in the song
This is due to the amount of instruments playing at the time throughout the song!