The genre that this work falls under is that of Neue Deutsche Welle which is otherwise known as New German Wave. This genre originated from punk rock and new wave music and acts as a cross between the two taking on various elements from both. In 99 Luftbalons, the punk style comes through in the short and fast pace of this song, with it only lasting 2’33, as well as through the political anti-establishment lyrics. The new wave genre is often described as having a twitchy, agitated feel with choppy rhythms, generally in the guitars …show more content…
The format of this song rather than a tradition verse one, chorus, verse two, chorus, bridge then finally ending with another chorus. The way this songs works is somewhat different as it basically starts with what is both a chorus and a verse. This is due to its story like form. With it basically ending up as a song poem with each chorus/verse being a new section in the story. It has five sections in total each following the same melodic pattern or theme with very little variation, this includes the instrumental section that comes after the first chorus. This is probably why this song became so popular overseas as well in Germany. The catchy nature of the chorus meant that even if the lyrics cannot be understood the hook still reels people in. This means that often the meaning behind this song is misunderstood with the light hearted nature of this song playing a cunning