Rufus, the renowned slave holder, gets all he can out of people. He pegs me as a manipulator, he sees what he wants and he goes and gets it. His occupation is a slave holder and he chooses to love like a slave holder with a vulgar kind of affection. “And you had more luck than I did because no matter what happens now, for a while he wanted you too. Maybe I can’t ever have that-both wanting, both loving. But I’m not going to give up what I can have” (Butler, 163). Rufus admits that Alice doesn’t love him. Yet he doesn’t take her feelings into account when it comes to there love hate relationship. Rufus is kind of like his father when it comes to this; he is well aware of how the slaves really feel but as long as they keep up appearances it’s not such a problem. This plays a big role in why a slave and slave master relationship is doomed from the start, because if you’re not really taking into account that other persons feelings it will never be both wanting. It would simply be you wanting yourself.
Everyone knows the policy on the masters women. It has been established that Alice is indeed one, but how can Dana also be considered one? It’s because he already viewed her