Throughout my life, I have sought to do work that matters. I would often volunteer in community organizations and my local church, seeking ways to serve others. Until, I completed my undergraduate degree, my experience with the nonprofit sector dealt primarily with serving as a volunteer. Now, as I a paid staff member at a nonprofit, I realize that nonprofit work has a variety of benefits. The three top reasons I continue to be interested in nonprofit are as follows. 1) Each day brings variety. 2) I get work in multiple roles. 3) There are opportunities to work with and serve amazing people. Noticeably, I have played primarily support in nonprofits. I realize that to become an effective executive director I will need further training …show more content…
I have spent the majority of my post-undergraduate experience either working closely with nonprofits or working directly for one. Now that I am about to start my fourth year working at my current organization, I realized that there are three main interests that continue to fuel my work there, and the nonprofit sector in …show more content…
Human Capital Management
As a large portion of nonprofit work deals with people, it is important for me as a future nonprofit leader to understand best practices in the recruitment, selection, and retention of both paid staff and volunteers. I have had only minimal experience with the selection and hiring process in previous jobs. I recently took the human resource management course, which provided me with a stronger background in this very area. However, I would like to gain more real-life experience in this specific area.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a multifaceted process, and I would like to increase by level of expertise in this area. Throughout my nonprofit experience I have had the opportunity to done long-term planning on a small scale, such as for a multi-month project or summer program. Over the next few years, I would like to gain hands-on experience in developing and executing multi-year strategic plans. Moreover, I would like to increase my ability to lead the strategic planning process and communicate organizational vision and mission to a team. I am currently working on a strategic plan for my individual department at my work. Unlike other long-term plans I have created in the past, I also have to allocate and project a budget to make this plan a reality. Thus, another aspect of strategic planning I need to learn is how to