when his family went on a family vacation and his mom told him that he couldn’t go. David was at school one day and he was in the nurse’s office. The nurse was looking over his body and asking him questions about his home life, she was writing down what he was saying back to her. Then the cop and the principle walked in and they seen all of his marks on his body. The cop takes him to the police station and calls his mom saying that he is going to a detention center. Then he starts flashing back to his good life. He remembers all of the good time with his family and all of the fun things he’s done in the past. Next, he ended up not going to a detention center, he ended up going back home with his mom. The problem in this book is that he is getting abused at home and that he can’t get away from it. He tries and tries to get away from it but he can’t. His mom abuses him and starves him. He tries to sneak food but he always gets caught by his mom. He begs his mom not to beat him but she still does. The only way the he gets food is if he finishes all of his chores that he has to do. At the end of the book he is still getting abused, it is a series so it goes on and on. Overall, this was a great book and I want to read the whole series. I think teens and adults would like this book cause of all what happens in it and how emotional it is. I did not think it was going to be a good book by the cover. But you know the saying don’t judge a book by the cover.