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Case Study of A Place: Human Dimension of Space I carried out an extensive study as part of the fulfillment of the semester coursework. The study was based in South Africa, Kwazulu Natal province, Eshowe town where I was staying in during the 2013 school holidays. The place is rich with the culture of the Zulu people, greatecotour destination in the Eshowe Dzilan Forest, semi-fertile extensive coastal plains, a few rivers …show more content…
It is about 25 km from the beach, lagoons, and wetlands, Eshowe lay in the Uthungulu district of Zululand. Activities carried out in the region include the Dlinza Forest, which is a serenity for trail and walk, the only airborne footpath in the Southern regions and is home to wild pigs, vervet monkeys, birds, blue and bushbuck red duikers, and others; the Entumi Nature Reserve - another indigenous forest with some unusual examples of birdlife; Mpushini Falls and the Vukani Museum, which houses examples of Zulu pottery, basketry, beadwork and tapestries.The sound of wind blowing through the forest is thought to have inspired Eshowe’s name, although it is more likely named after the Zulu word ‘ishongwe.'Eshowe no longer maintains this prestige, but its location protects it from the sub-tropical humidity that affects this region and has made it a popular holiday destination for centuries - initially with Zulu kings and today with holiday makers - to escape the heat at the coast (Briggs …show more content…
Women and children weave every day, using baskets,beer sieves, and mats for home purposes. They also brand calabashes which are decorated gourds used as utensils. Men and boys curve various household objects and ornaments from wood and bone. These include headrests, trays, scrapers, household utensils, and chairs. Bead making is mainly women's work because beads are believed to be a way of sending messages without being direct. Possessing a TV set is a superfluity for rural Zulu since most remote areas lack power.For urban teenagers, American youth culture, especially music, and clothingare very popular. The adults have stokvel which as a frequent or voluntary association used for financial assistance, friendship, and recreation. Customary ceremonies also serve as part of the entertainment and leisure for the whole community. Zulu custom does not mandate formal invitations to gatherings where food will be served, such as weddings and birthday parties.The Zulu observe the national holidays celebrated in the South Africa Republic. Furthermore, September every year, they celebrate Shaka day. This holiday is followed by merriments and slaughtering cattle to honor the author of the Zulu Kingdom. The Zulu people wear their full general outlook invoilcing clothing and weapons, and meet at Shaka's gravestone, kwa Dukuza in stanger. This is a very great group graced with the