This qualitative research study is done in the university- affiliated child care centre in New York City. They observe the children from infant room, between the age of nine months to 25 months. there are eight children in the room and the research is focused on the five children age nine months from 24 months years old of children. the reason is the because infants were started to engage in joint attention around nine months and the aim of the study was to explore how the infants experience joint attention and develop social understanding. The research data were collect over the 13 weeks, through non-participatory observation, videotaped observation and daily parent and educator communication charts. Children were observed six hours per week and documented by running …show more content…
Truly we all the time try to teach children to be share and play together when there is a situation about children have conflict over an object. I hardly think of this is one of their one of their way of engaging the social competence and it seems that impact on their development of joint attention and social understanding. I think this research is clear and easy to understand and it also provides the observation running record to get the deeper understanding about the research