Mr. Gunzelman
Adversity of Elijah
My person is Elijah. Elijah was a prophet during the reign of Ahab around 9th century BC. He was also a wonder-worker in the northern kingdom of Israel.
First Adversity
There was a Tishbite named Elijah, the Lord told him that to go hide by a stream and he did so. Everyday morning ravens will feed him by getting him bread and meat. And he drinks from the stream. The stream dries up since there was not a single drop of rain. And then the Lord told him to go live in Zarephath. There will be a widow to take care of him. And Elijah did so. He asked her to get him a drink and some bread. But the widow told him that she and her son are about to cook and eat the last bit of the flour …show more content…
Even after the death of widow’s son and while facing 450 prophets of Baal and still has his Faith in the Lord, Elijah is a righteous man indeed.
Second Adversity
In Jezreel, there is a man named Naboth the Jezreelite. He had a vineyard that Ahab admires. But the Lord forbids Naboth from giving it to Ahab. And then the wife of Ahab made a plan to stone Naboth and kill him in order for Ahab to have the vineyard.
The Word of the Lord came to Elijah, and he told him to go to Ahab the king of Israel, where he as gone to take possession. And he shall say to him “in the place where dogs licked up the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your own blood”. As Elijah arrived, he told Ahab that God has seen what he has done. And he will be punished of how he made Israel …show more content…
He told his follower Elisha and they all went to the Jordan with fifty men of the sons of the prophets. Elijah took his cloak off and struck the water, and then the water was parted to the sides. It gives a path for them two to walk through. And Elisha cried after Elijah went up by a whirlwind into the Heaven.
Elijah had to leave one of his faithful disciples behind and head to the Heaven. I think that is an adversity for them both. Elisha kept the teaching of Elijah and succeeded his spirit as his positive way to face this adversity.
God’s Involvement I think that God is present all the time. He is all knowing so he only gives command or messages to Elijah when he thinks it’s necessary. Such as “Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the earth”. The most phrases I see is that “the word of the Lord came to Elijah”.
God has a perfect plan for all of us, and it includes adversities in it. Therefore, we have to face them no matter what. The only thing that would matter is the way that you deal with