
A Summary Of Aggression In The Iroquois

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A Summary Of Aggression In The Iroquois
Aggression (according to the text in the textbook provided) is;-

''Intentional behavior aimed at causing either physical or psychological pain.''

There are two types of aggression; i) hostile -is stemmed from anger and is used to inflect pain or injury. And ii) instrumental aggression- is intentional and planned. It is used in order to not only cause pain but to gain something as well. Every creature is/can be aggressive; testosterone (a hormone [in all genders and organisms]) that fuels aggression. Regardless of the fact that aggression is part of the human biology. It is still something that can be controlled, influenced and even learnt.What, I mean to say is that because aggression is 'innate' and because of learned responses, circumstances
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Certain societies, such as the Iroquois of North America focused on living peacefully-as hunting nation. And they had accomplished to live in such a manner. Though it wasn't until a social change-a competition between their neighboring society, Hurons over income/economy (the furs held value and could be traded for manufactured goods in the 17th century.) that brought about a transormation.The competition had brought in social changes which lead to aggressive and fierce alterations in the Iroquois, not a biological urge or stimulus. Similarly, other societies, cultures and tribes, such as Arapesha (New Guinea), Pygmies (Central Africa), and Lepchas of Sikkim- to name a few are all 'close knit cultures'. Within such cultures, cooperation and interdependence are ingrained. These people exhibit peace and balance. Thereby have had low levels of aggression. Again their way of living is based on collectivist values; here anger and aggression are dangers. In order to prevent hostility and truculent actions and behavious,the society 's fundamentals are based on empathy, communication and openess.Within the Teduray Village ,for instance, they put in all their efforts to communicate, mollify and work out deals with the offended-When a situation arises [adultry,betryal and the like] that could easily [if not handled apropately] ;lead to violence/aggression.Futhuremore,any …show more content…
Looking into the history of mankind, one will see violence, murder and even decimation. World Wars [I, II], tortures such as impalement and sensory deprivation, the Holocaust and so much more. The ferocity, viviousness and barbarity has dwindled down over the centuries and decades. Owing it to the universal emphasis, social conditioning/acceptance on empathy, understanding, peace and human rights. Adding to the ‘cultures greatly influence aggression'' is 'culture of honor’. The fundamental of culture of honor is to protect, defend and attack. The response to threats and insults is done with violence. Threats and insults hold a great signifence in the culture due to the environment the culture developed. Individuals, namely men, have to protect themselves, their families and their property. Culture of honor is developed mostly in herding and rural communities. This occurs because the economy depends on their herds. Which is challenging, making these societies vulnerable-death and theft of their life stocks would leave them with nothing .And in order to prevent this, people are highly aware and alert-always ready to protect, defend and attack.Thus,their instincts/initial responses are that of force and bellicose. Even though, with the world moving forward and the herding culture being nearly oblete.The culture of honor still remains. In the South and Southwest of the USA, the Middle East for

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