Title Page When composing an APA style paper, a certain format must be used. The paper must be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font, and be double-spaced. It must also have one-inch margins on all sides, as well as two spaces following punctuations. A running header along with page numbers should be included on all pages. The running header should be the title of the paper and be completely capitalized. The first page in an APA style paper …show more content…
If these are included in the manuscript a new line would be started as well as indented, and the words would be typed in italics. Keywords are used for potentially helping researchers find work in databases. (OWL, 2012)
The Body of the Manuscript
The body of the paper may differ depending on the type of paper being constructed. If an experimental report were being done it would typically include an introduction, the method, the results, and lastly the discussion .
The Introduction of a paper is not the equivalent of the abstract. It can be troubling to create a well-drafted introduction. A quality introduction will do many things, but ultimately it should summarize and enlighten readers about the context of the study and the reason it was conducted. It should foreshadow what will eventually unfold in the hypothesis of the paper, and it should not be too