Abhishek Basavesh
School of Information Systems and Technology
University of Wollongong
Wollongong, New South Wales
Email: ab692@uowmail.edu.au
More and more companies nowadays are looking into the possibility of doing projects by sourcing the crowd for their solutions. Crowdsourcing projects enable companies to tap into a cess-pool of varied skill-sets and resources by taking the project to the consumers. But as is with everything significance should be given to the researching the topic before taking a plunge. This paper gives an in-depth introduction into crowdsourcing projects and also answers the important research questions such as what are the potential …show more content…
It is a crowdsourcing system which is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in which tasks are distributed to all the users signed onto the service for completion. This service allows for any company or individual to upload a survey or an assignment or a job to be completed for a return in money. This service basically has two distinct classifications: the requesters and the workers. The requesters are the people who ask for something to be done and the workers are the group who take it up to complete the job. The workers are limited to the level of work they can do by the quality management tools of the mechanical turk. The workers have to test themselves on an artificial intelligence powered test so as to qualify themselves for higher and more complex tasks. The complexity and quality limitations of the requested job is set by the requester. And the cost of the job is also set by the …show more content…
The project manager needs to understand who is working with and who he is running against. The need for complete control in crowdsourcing projects is hence very much necessary for the manager.
The project manager may not be the face of the project but, he certainly needs to be the official advocate for the project. He is pretty much the voice of the project. In any instance the manager is the first point of contact to the community and therefore needs to represent the community in the company as well.
The Law
Most of the crowdsourcing projects have rules and policies to make sure that everything runs smoothly. It is the job of the project manager to implement those rules and make sure everybody adheres to those rules and policies.
The Resource Outlet
The resources are shared in a crowdsourcing project and it is the duty of the manger to make sure that they are used successfully.
Tapping the Wisdom
The level of involvement of the crowd in any crowdsourcing project depends on the company managing the project. It could allow the crowd to be involved in decision making level or involved with just the completion of the task. In any case, the manager needs to be aware of the consequences of the