Project Management Leadership/ BUS 518
Describe specific practices that successful project managers apply in exercising their leadership and management roles overall. Project managers play the leading role in the project management process: They are accountable for the completion and delivery of projects. They create an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration in which a defined goal can be achieved in a controlled and structured manner by a group of people. Project managers manage projects on a day-to-day basis, maintain a continuous focus on moving projects toward their defined objective, drive the decision-making process and execute milestones according to plan (Guzman, 2010).
Project managers are ultimately responsible for making projects happen. Carrying out this task requires a broad set of skills. In addition to exercising their knowledge of project management best practices, project managers also perform a variety of roles during a project 's life cycle. They serve as business liaisons, budget managers, communicators, customer relations managers, the project team 's cheerleaders, facilitators, negotiators, risk managers, change agents, motivators, presenters, planners, task trackers, problem solvers and implementers (Guzman, 2010). Have open communications with everyone. Open communications encourage people to be forthright with their opinions and perspectives. Further, you eliminate fear and shyness by encouraging everyone to speak their minds. It is important that everyone in your group knows they can talk to you about any big obstacles they are facing, their opinions or questions. Being approachable is a very basic way to apply leadership skills (Moutria, 2008).
Focus on one simple concept or goal. While your company, family or group may have more than just one goal, focusing on one particular purpose will put everyone in the same mindset. Naming a single goal likely will answer a
References: Denning, S. (2011, 7 23). How Do You Change An Organizational Culture? Retrieved from Forbes: Retrieved September 3, 2014. Great Leadership. ( 2008, November 24). Retrieved from How to Write a Great Individual Development Plan (IDP) : Retrieved September 4, 2014. Guzman, A. (2010). Description of a Project Manager Role. Retrieved from EHOW: Retrieved September 4, 2014 . Laufer, A. (2012). Mastering the Leadership role in Project Management. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions.. Morrison, C. (2008). How to Use Behavior Modification Techniques. Retrieved from EHow: Retrieved on September 4, 2014. Moutria, K. (2008). How to Apply Leadership Skills. Retrieved from EHOW: Retrieved September 4, 2014. Nayab, N. (2011, 2 22). Examples of Behavior Modification Approaches That Really Work. Retrieved from BrightHub a Hub for Bright Minds: Retrieved on September 4, 2014.