Allah Used as the name of God in Islam.
Bazar A type of market found especially in Middle Eastern countries that has rows of small shops which sell many different kinds of things.
Caliph An important Muslim political and religious leader.
Daimyo A Japanese feudal baron.
Estate All of the things that a person owns or the things left by someone who has died. For example, a large piece of land with a large house on it.
Feudalism A social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return.
Guilds An organized group of people who have joined together because they share the same job or interest. Especially, an association of people who made or sold goods in the Middle Ages.
Heresy A belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion.
Ideographs A chart used as a language but in pictures. For example, Ancient Egyptians used it.
Jihad A war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs.
Knight A soldier in the past who had a high social rank and who fought while riding a horse and usually wearing armor.
Lay investiture Lay investiture was the appointment of bishops, abbots, and other church officials by feudal lords and vassals.
Manor A large country house on a large piece of land.
Neolithic Of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone