Željko Turkalj1, Ivana Fosić2
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Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia,
________________________________________________________________ Abstract
Organization sets itself specific objectives in order to meet the better business success, and to gain comparative advantage over the competition. For these objectives to be achieved, of crucial importance is organizational communication per se which implies communication among employees, as well as communication between different hierarchic levels in the same organization. Communication as an element of organizational behaviour is seen through the group level as the independent variable. Throughout this paper we shall explain the importance of communication for organization, the communicational process and channels for information flow through the network of small formal groups and the network of informal groups. Hereby we also want to emphasize the greater need for appreciation of communication as the important factor of organizational behaviour due to the growing changes in organizations which face the leadership with new challenges and opportunities for testing the different organizational behaviour concept modes. We will also demonstrate the extent of satisfaction with communication within the observed economic operators in Osijek-Baranja County, and evaluate the impact of communication on the employee level on business performance of the same. JEL classification: D23, M14 Keywords: satisfaction communication, organization, organizational behaviour, communication
________________________________________________________________ 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION FOR ORGANIZATION Organizational behaviour becomes more and more important for the growing role of the man in social processes, as well as in their
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