use of assistive devices by older people with
depressive symptoms.
Dayao, Arveene L.
BS Psychology II - 01
Manila Tytana Colleges
To be submitted to :
Ms. Sheila Laine Dela Paz
Date submitted :
January 30, 2012
This study sought to understand how functional status, impairment level, and use of assistive
devices change over 3 years for older adults with depressive symptoms. I further explored factors
that predict change in severity of depressive symptoms. During 3 years, participants experienced
increased physical disability, a decline in severity of depressive symptoms, and an increase in the
total number of assistive devices owned. A significant number of older adults will experience a
decrease in depressive symptoms over 3 years, despite an increase in physical disability. They
also will obtain more assistive devices as they age.
The specific issue that stands out in the journal is relative to the various changes in
impairment level, functional status and use of some suggested assistive devices that could be
used by older people who suffer symptoms of depression. I do very much agree how the author
touched the subject and explained depression among the older people. There is nothing from the
journal article that I disagree about. The points presented by the author about the existence of
this feeling of depression among the older people are true and satisfactory.
The second journal that I have, Suicide In Older Adults : Nursing Assessment Of Suicide
by Linda Garand, PhD, APRN, BC, Ann M. Mitchell, PhD, RN, AHN, BC, Ann Dietrick, MSN,
APRN, BC, Sophia P. Hijjawi, BSN, RN, and Di Pan, BSN, RN, is somewhat parallel to my first
journal. This second article talks about suicide in older adults. It is being discussed here that
suicide and attempted suicide is associated with depression, psychosis and
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