
Chapter 3 Abnormal Psychology

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Chapter 3 Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal Psychology – Chapter 3 Essay
Question: After reading this chapter which theory/model of the cause of psychological abnormality makes the most sense to you and why?

It is my understanding that the biological model best explains the probable cause of psychological abnormalities. The biological model is widely respected because it is often traceable. That is, certain technologies have allowed scientists to measure and, in many cases, interpret the biochemical and electrochemical communication that allows human bodies to function. These technologies also allow scientists to track the widely accepted biological sources of abnormalities, such as viral detection and treatment, evolutionary tracing, and direct genetic sequencing. Complicated as these systems may be, bodily reactions to stimuli are measurable, a key defining quality of science. It is my belief that all psychological abnormalities can be traced back to changes in biological systems. That being said, a strictly biological approach to treatment of these abnormalities may not be enough to overcome the adaptive organ systems of the human body. Technology limits scientists’ understanding of particular systems, especially in the case of the human endocrine system, and I think that many other models, particularly the humanistic-existential model, were theorized to speculate on biological processes or connections not yet explained by science. The resulting non-biological models act as contemporary, yet advanced, forms of thinking that resemble the medieval beliefs of supernatural possession and religious intervention as explanations for processes and systems not yet explained by science at that time.
My proposal is that a careful integration of several models’ treatment processes (determined individually by psychoanalytic assessment), resulting in a measurable change in biological function, helps to ensure that an individual receives quality treatment and attention (personalized treatment)

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