Chapter 1 Abnormal Psychology Past and Present:
What is abnormality? Patterns of psychological abnormality usually follow the four D’s: deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger. What is the difference between abnormal behavior and psychological disorder? Abnormal behavior is behavior that is statistically infrequent while psychological disorder is behavioral, emotional, or cognitive dysfunctions that are unexpected in their cultural context and associated with personal distress or substantial impairment in functioning. What were the two major historical perspectives regarding the cause of abnormal behavior? The Somatogenic Perspective was the view that abnormal psychological functioning had physical causes and the Psychogenic Perspective was the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological. What did the major historical figures in the study of abnormal behavior contribute? Hippocrates believed that abnormal behavior was caused by humors (four of them): yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm. He also believed hysteria was caused by a wandering womb. Aretaeus believed in a continuum between normal and abnormal behavior. Soranus advocated for the humane treatment of the mentally ill. Galen believed in the psychological basis of abnormal behavior and that hysteria was not caused by a wandering womb. John Weyer was the founder of the modern study of psychopathology and believed that the mind was just a susceptible to illness as the body. Philippe Pinel, William Tuke, Benjamin Rush, and Dorethea Dix were all part of the reform and moral treatment movement in the nineteenth century. Kraepelin was responsible for the first modern system of classifying abnormal behavior. Kraft-Ebing found that syphilis caused general paresis so he injected it into people. Jean Charcot believed that hysterical disorders are the result of the degeneration of parts of the brain. Josef Breuer thought hypnotism could cure