The population inhabiting Africa suffers from social injustice and permanent oppression from the part of the authorities. The social inequality and the huge gap between the rich and poor increases the social tension in practically all African countries. At the same time, the problem of social inequality and class antagonism in the society is enhanced by ethnic conflicts which emerge regularly in different parts of Africa. In this respect, the colonial past of the continent plays an important part because after the decolonization of the continent, new states emerged instead of former colonies of European powers but the ethnic groups inhabiting new, independent countries were diverse and suffering from poverty and numerous socioeconomic problems ethnic groups used the origin as the pretext to oppress each other and to take control and power in African countries. In such a way, African countries had little options but to wreak in havoc of civil wars and revolutions which led to the establishment of dictatorship and violation of basic human rights and liberties. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the case of the Zanzibar Revolution which was caused by the political havoc and socioeconomic problems which allowed John Okella to rise in power and took the total control over political, economic and social life of the country and this revolution was a typical example of the life of an ordinary country of African continent, which revealed the total neglect of human rights and liberties and democratic principles in Africa that engendered social inequality and ethnic conflicts throughout the continent.
On analyzing the development of African countries, it is important to dwell upon the historical background of the creation of independent states in Africa in the mid-20th century. As the matter of fact, until the mid-20th century African countries were colonies of European states which established their control over the entire