
Abortion: A Problem In The United States

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From 1973 to 2015 the United States of America’s population increased by about 109, 533, 231. In that same amount of time, about 43, 800, 000 abortions took place (Lang). This statistic helps show that abortion has always been a problem, but only recently has became one on a national level with the two sides forming. One side, the Pro-Life one, wants laws that will help protect the fetus. The other side, the Pro-Choice one, supports the belief that abortion should be the choice of the mothers. “Abortion, in its many different forms, is when a pregnancy is ended; therefore, it does not result in the birth of a child (“What is”).” Women seeking an abortion can receive one in many different ways, but not all states allow an abortion to take …show more content…

People from all over experience the ripples of an abortion. When an abortion takes place and a baby is not born, our economy takes a blow. Mothers spend money on their kids for many things ranging from diapers to college textbooks. Another way our economy takes a blow, is that an abortion results in one less baby to grow up and become a future worker and taxpayer (Shaw). Not, only does abortions affect the economy with money problems, but in other aspects as well. For example, to show how abortions affect other Americans as well, here is a personal story from a woman’s friend in the nineteenth century when abortion was illegal. “My friend went to the emergency room at a Catholic hospital, and they refused to take care of her. They just flatly refused. They said she had to have a test to see if she was pregnant, and the results would take a couple of days. They would not touch her because she might be pregnant, and they might disturb the child. She continued to bleed, and they would not take care of her. She was a little skinny woman; she did not have that much blood. Well, she was not pregnant. It turned out she had a tumor. It was an emergency - she had to be operated on immediately (Andryszewski).” Situations like this may not occur as much anymore, but they still contributed to the number of total losses. More than fifty million people’s lives have been lost as a result of abortion (Shaw). Those people could have made a huge impact on our world, but no longer have a chance. As the number of abortions rises, the birthrates drop, leaving less support by the younger generations for the older

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