New Charter University
What subject has been more controversial for the last several decades than abortion? Since the decriminalization of abortion in 19731, thousands have been performed every year in the United States. Whether you are a pro-life or right-to-life supporter, or a pro-choice advocate, there are compelling arguments. Both sides use proven statistics, as well as emotional appeal to establish their points. Pro-choice groups speak to the rights of a woman to choose what she wants to do with her body as a matter of freedom. Aside from personal choice, they believe that there are certain circumstances where abortion may be required due to medical reasons. Pro-life proponents contend that life begins at conception, therefore, as a human life the embryo has the right to live. Furthermore, anti-abortion proponents claim that abortion is immoral since it the choice to terminate the life of a living human being. What is comes down to, however, is a very personal choice based on fundamental values and beliefs that should not involve government legislature, but be left to the individual to apply their individual needs and standards in making such a life changing decision.
Evaluating sources
There are hundreds of sources of information on abortion available. Some are credible, while a majority seem to be biased and narrow. While I read, and perhaps utilized, some of these partisan sources, the two that are most reliable are as follows:
The NARAL Pro-Choice America website seems as though it would potentially be riddled with single sided rhetoric simply by the proclamation of decision in the name, there is an abundance of factual information available. The site supports the reproductive rights cause by providing clear statistical information based on facts. Included are links to affiliates and resources, as well as information on healthy pregnancies, birth control and sex education. The site uses
References: 1 Cornell University, (December 1971). Roe v. Wade. Retrieved from 2 Geiger, Kim (August 2012) 3 Lanfranchi, Angela, MD (2012) 7 (2009). Abortion... When is it safe? Retrieved from 8 NARAL Pro-Choice America, (January 2012) 9 BabyCenter, (2012) 10 Christian Freethought, (September 2012). Let 's Talk Abortion, and the Failure of Pro-Choice Reasoning, and why Republicans Aren 't Really Pro-Life 11 Goodman, Harvey D., M.A., (January 2004) 12 Stewart, John, (November 2012). Mike Huckabee Pt. 2. on The Daily Show. Comedy Central Network, 12 Nov. 2012. Retrieved from National Abortion Federation. (April 2011). National abortion federation. Retrieved from The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) along with the World Health Organization Web MD, Abortion - topic overview. (February 2011). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Staff RAINN. (2009). Abortion Statistics. Retrieved from NRLC. (2011, March 12). Retrieved from