A life that is stolen away because of fear, repulsion or a lack of want. A life that will never have its first laugh, see the sunshine or accomplish its life’s purpose. This is because it was stolen away as a result of someone else’s decision. A decision that was made because that life was not deemed important enough.
Abortion is a real problem in this world today, and yet it has become a rather significant part of day to day life. It is deemed socially acceptable to kill a child because of a decision or mistake. Why is it illegal to murder someone yet it is legal to abort a child? They are both still humans. The way people deal with this ethical dilemma is that it is not a human but just a fetus. But when does a fetus become life …show more content…
worth caring about? There is a philosopher who states that “a baby isn’t a ‘person’ until around 18 months of age.” (P. Craine, Life sites news, 2011) and so it is not a crime to kill them. When does it become a crime to kill someone?
Just imagine for a minute, what the word would be like if the likes of Albert Einstein, Amelia Earhart and Walt Disney, had been aborted? People who shaped and set the standard for this day and age. What would areas of science, philosophy and entertainment be like for us today without them? Surely very different.
The image presented here is confronting and graphic. Yet it needs to be shown, because if one were to look at their own hand and compare it to the image, they could draw parallels. This is a human hand, it has five fingers and if it had been allowed to continue growing it would one day be the same size as your own hand. This small hand was once attached to a small human body who was breathing and moving, hiccupping even. All up until it was torn apart, quite literally.
The coin this hand is resting on is about the size of an Australian 10 cent coin. Much like this one I hold here. Do you see the comparison of this coin to the hand? See how small that hand is yet how perfectly formed it is already at only 9 weeks in. The only difference between this hand and my hand is the size, yet you wouldn’t see my hand on that coin would you? This photo brings a gravity to the situation not only because of the size of the hand but the amount of blood on the cloth and coin. (Add more, analyse)
The dangers of abortion are concealed behind the doors of the clinics.
The amount of testimonies that come flooding out from beneath those doors are staggering. Women who have had abortions and are still, after 20 to 40 years, having anxiety and depression over their decision.
The documentary Blood Money exposes the truth of abortion to the world through testimonies of previous abortion clinic employees and women who have had abortions. These people explain the process that happens behind closed doors.
One woman, Carol Everett, who had been an employee told a story of how a doctor had done something wrong at the clinic and had put the woman in her car because if they used an ambulance business would have crashed so they used miss Everett’s car to drive to a hospital, not a respectable one who would do their best to help this woman but a hospital that would do their best to cover it all up. Miss Everett said that seven doctors worked on this woman, pulled her baby out, wrapped the newborn in disposable drapes and put the baby in an incinerator. Then the doctors falsified the records, cleaned up and went …show more content…
As many would argue “What if a 12 year old kid got raped and fell pregnant?
What then? What would you have her do?” Well in reality, the chances of a 12 year old child falling pregnant are extremely rare, so much so if one were to research child pregnancy in Australia it would come up with just one instance of a 12 year old child and from there, teen pregnancy, which is considered between the ages of 14 to 19. Now while teen pregnancy is still horrible the general reason is because the teen has consented.
The statistics of teen pregnancy in Australia between 2011 and 2012 were 16 babies per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years, so this means that the chances of a child being born to a 15 year old