English 101
Abortion harm women.
Janet Bobe was 13 years old, and she got pregnant at 4 months ago. Janet Bobe went through an abortion a month ago, and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It wasn’t my choice. My mama made me get an abortion, and if I didn’t she was going to put me out of the house. I didn’t know how I was going to take care of my baby on the street, so I went on to get a abortion. If I had known that my momma could not force me to get an abortion then I would be 4 months pregnant right now. Then on top of that when I told the father of my baby I was pregnant he broke up with me and said I get on his nerves, like it was my fault I got pregnant. She regrets everything now, …show more content…
However, a higher percentage of women in the USA preferred to have medical abortion at home, but doesn’t tell you the effects to that pill or doesn’t tell you how damaged your body will be in results to that pill. Emotional problems harm women such as reports had said that difficulties could occur throughout the years having to deal with in the back of your mind saying you wish so many things of having the baby. On the other hand, you couldn’t because of the situations you were facing. Eating disorders and eating because of the loneliness you may be facing because of an abortion. Emotional with drawal problems, and suicidal thoughts of thinking well what makes me feel special of I killed a baby maybe feel worthless or regrets of the abortion and feeling bad for permit of your decision and can’t take back. A young lady named Karen had an abortion in college she though she had a serious committed relationship with her boyfriend, but when she told him she was pregnant he definitely less than happy about it. Two of her roommates had abortions and effects so depressed about it. A woman who lacks the willing support and encouragement of the father or helps raise the child is more likely to choose an abortion. (Toye Arthur Pg.