Abortion is a controversial issue affecting our society. At the present time abortions are legal. However, there are groups of people who would like this to change. Popular belief among pro-choice coalitions is that abortion is a matter that should be decided on by the mother; however, abortion in its truest sense is the termination of a human life. As a society we must set clear boundaries about this issue or else we will be ending innocent lives or we will face women having abortion as a substitute for birth control. Both sides provide very strong and debatable opinions, which leads to a frenzy of controversy. Abortion should be illegal because abortions are immoral, they contradict many religious teachings, and abortions are a large health risk to women. Many moral conflicts exist when dealing with abortion. Abortion is sometimes used as a financial reason, 75% of people say that they just can’t afford a child; others say that having a baby would interfere with work, school, etc. (Abortion as Birth Control 1). On the other hand 50% do not want to be a single parent or/and have problem with their husband/partner (Abortion as Birth Control 1). In the case of Roe v. Wade the court stated, “State laws limiting such access during the second trimester were upheld only when the restrictions were for the purpose of protecting the health of the pregnant woman (Roe v. Wade 1).” None of that would happen if they used birth control in the first place, about 8% of women or couples never used a method of birth control (Abortion as Birth Control 1). Some women are using abortion as birth control, and that is not healthy. There are so many different types of birth control they could use, and there are also different options people could choose other than abortion. There are so many couples out there that want to adopt a baby, but they have to be on a waiting list. Maybe some people would not be so careless if abortion was illegal.
Cited: "Abortion as Birth Control." Contraception Resource Info - Birth Control Guide. Web. 9 Mar. 2010. <http://www.contracept.org/abortifacient.php>. "Abortion." NetDoctor.co.uk - The UK 's Leading Independent Health Website Kaufman, Matt. "Boundless Webzine - Page Not Found." Boundless Webzine | An Online Magazine for Christian Singles and Young Adults. 2004. Web. 11 Mar. 2010. <http://www.boundless.org/regualrs/kaufman/a0000848.html>. Steinmetz, Isreal Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. The Oyez Project. 492 U. S. 490 (1989) 11, March, 2010 Roe v. Wade. The oyez Project. 410 U.S. 113 (1973) 11, March, 2010