There is nothing more personal and private than your own body. Out of everything in this world, it is the one thing that you truly own and it is the one thing you have control over. By limiting abortion the government is quiet literally forcing itself into the most personal, private, and intimate part of your life. What you decide to do with your own body has nothing to do with the greater well being of society. Having an abortion effects one person and one person only, the person who is pregnant. Anti-choice proponents say that abortion is the murder of a child, but they refuse to acknowledge a multitude of scientific evidence that shows that a a cluster of cells is not its own being. It is contained within a human being, it cannot live…
1)Making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortion, it just makes it less safe. The number of women getting abortions doesn't change, the thing that changes is that women die from having unsafe abortions. 78,000 women die every year from having unsafe abortions.…
Throughout history, women strived to gain the right to vote, equal pay, and reproductive rights. In spite of all the hard work and suffrage significant women went through to obtain these rights; men and women are now protesting to take one of these privileges away. In the more commonly known court case, Roe v. wade, a woman felt her rights were being violated, which lead to the U.S Supreme Court ruling, the banning of abortion was unconstitutional and a woman has the right to privacy. Abortion is now legal in all of the United States; however, there are restrictions the mother must meet in order to have a professional medical procedure approved. Termination of an unborn child inside the womb is a huge controversy in society; while there are…
The human body is amazing. It can protect one from sickness, harm. It can create beautiful art or fantastical inventions. It can surpass impossible limits. The human body is amazing. It’s amazing and it can create life. But, we, as humans, can take away that life. Humans can inhibit a person from moving forward. Humans can stop a person from feeling happiness or wholeness. And all because we, as humans, make abortion illegal. When abortion is illegal, it restricts a girl or woman from living the life she deserves. When abortion is illegal, it shows that a group of fellow humans love a forming bundle of cells more than the person standing before them.…
Abortion is a very touchy subject with very little middle ground. Every year around one-million developing fetuses are aborted for various reasons, usually financial problems. While technological advancements in medical science have made abortion a simple step to avoid unwanted pregnancies there are still negative repercussions. Abortion, specifically late stage abortion, should not be accepted by our society because the fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks, abortions are thinning the population of minority groups, and the child is never given a chance.…
It is hard to find a single definition for the word “abortion.” states that an abortion is also called voluntary abortion and it is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. However, google states that an abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. On the contrary, Merriam Webster defines an abortion as a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus. Just reading these definitions begin the argument of whether or not abortion should be legal and if it is “morally” right. Abortion has become a popular topic of discussion across politics and within churches. Although both sides have valid arguments, it is up to the woman carrying the child to decide whether she will keep the child or not. No government, nor religion should force someone into making a decision they weren’t fully supportive of.…
“Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 56 million unborn children have been killed.” Their mothers never gave them chance to be born. Abortion has been a debatable topic for decades, but aborting a human being is morally wrong and medically unsafe.…
How would it be like if you weren’t allowed to choose what happens to your future? Some women do not get the luxury of choosing for themselves due to some laws set and they do not get the option whatsoever. That should be different as women are the ones who carry the babies, not the ones who are voting against it. Even though the baby never had the chance to live life, women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their baby because it may be bad for the women herself to have to care of a baby, they may not be prepared for a baby, and we do not know their circumstances of the situation.…
In the first chapter Fineman poses the question “Who is a person?”. The answer seems to be something so simple, yet it is very complex. The topic deals with humans rights given in the constitution. The question has always been prominent in our society because the founding fathers wrote a constitution the did not fit all Americans. The constitution was written for the white male. African Americans and women did not have these rights until later on in history. The question also is apparent in the abortion argument, Gary Bauer a prominent figure in the Pro-life movement fights to say unborn fetuses are people. The meaning of a person and who deserve constitutional is expanding. In history it wasn't always so easy and people had to fight for their…
The author Gallagher presents a view on abortion. She mentions that abortion advocates are now attempting to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court that a woman cannot attain professional success if she experiences an unexpected pregnancy. However, the author believes that having a baby is not a dream-killer, since today’s working environment tend to be more and more open, allowing parenting women to pursue their career goal and to achieve their dreams.…
The history of abortions in the United States is complicated and has been going on for more than 200 years. The debate on whether abortions should be legal divides Americans to this day. Abortions has been illegal since the 1800’s, although, women would have the procedure without legal rights to do so. On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court declared it was a fundamental right after the Roe vs. Wade case. Many states have changed the rules on abortions but as of today women have the right to get abortions in all 50 states. The legalization give women the right to remain in control of their body.…
Abortion has been a known practice among women for thousands of years. It has been legal in the United States since the first settlers crossed the ocean centuries ago. There was legislation in the nineteenth century that made abortions legal in some states, but ever since the revolutionary Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade, women are given the right to decide to have an abortion or not. In recent years, abortions have become a safer way to terminate one’s pregnancy, and involve much less risk than in the past. Women abort their fetuses for numerous reasons, including lack of money, cases of rape, and illness among other things. Medicine has developed safer ways to have an abortion, and it gives probable mothers another option when dealing with pregnancy. Abortion is morally permissible because women have the natural right to control their own bodies, and make respectful decisions for the good of themselves, their body, and their health.…
When does, life being? How do people look at termination of pregnancy? How much responsibility does a woman have when she agrees to commits abortion. Abortion is when a woman terminates her pregnancy. There has been an ongoing argument between the pro-choice and pro-life groups. Pro-choice groups in the United States support that women have right to abortion while pro-life groups argue that women should not terminate their pregnancy. Different peer articles research support the argument that abortion should not be legalized with research based facts. These articles agree that abortion should not be legal. Though abortion is a legal choice, it is should avoided by those of Christian faith as it is against God’s will, the resulting death of a fetus breaks a one of the Ten Commandments that rules against taking another human life, even cases of rape, women should turn to their community and church for emotional support and assistance.…
According to a study, 49% of all pregnancies among american women are unintended. That goes to say if abortion is illegal half of the children born, will be victims to neglect and undergo the challenges of violence and poverty. Although many people think that abortions are murder they should stay legal. They are beneficial to society, in some cases they lower the rates of violence and poverty. The legalization of abortion should not be a legal debate considering that there is a separation between church and state.…
I realize that many things can stop a woman from having an abortion, and I respect everyone’s opinions or ways of life. I still believe that women should be able to get an abortion and not be judged for getting the abortion. What if the woman is not ready to be a mother? What if the child was created from rape? As women do we not have the right to choose what happens to us and our bodies? Some women are already suffering from having to raise a child at a young age.…