According to a study, 49% of all pregnancies among american women are unintended. That goes to say if abortion is illegal half of the children born, will be victims to neglect and undergo the challenges of violence and poverty. Although many people think that abortions are murder they should stay legal. They are beneficial to society, in some cases they lower the rates of violence and poverty. The legalization of abortion should not be a legal debate considering that there is a separation between church and state.
News 24 stated, “A fetus is not legally or scientifically a person or human being so abortion cannot be equated to murder or taking a life since the fetus is not a person nor alive.” An abortion is a procedure done to a …show more content…
woman by taking a fetus out of her to prevent the further stages of pregnancy. The constant argument is, “Is it murder or not?” Murder is the act of killing someone and technically a collection of cells is not a human being and it does not have rights until it is born. The right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are granted to us when we are born. A person is not forced to give their organs to another person, it is a right to keep your organs. If abortion were to ever be illegal, a woman without her consent will be giving her organs to a fetus.
Half of the pregnancies in the united states are not planned and 95% of all women say that after getting their abortion they did not regret it. If the mother and father did not plan on having this child, it will be subject to neglect. It is common for a teenager to become pregnant and it takes plenty of resources to raise a child, resources they are still receiving from their parents. Pregnancy should not be a punishment to a woman because she decided to engage in sexual activity or because she is capable of bringing life into this world. People state “Put the child up for adoption or in a foster home.” that child will be subject to a cycle, a statistic, foster homes are not where a childhood should be spent.
No child should be subject to poverty, if young parents are raising a child it is more than likely that they will be a part of the lower class. No one should be a statistic or part of the never ending cycle of the lower class. Society tells us that abortion is wrong but raising a child in a bad environment is just as wrong.
The trash cans or signs that state, “What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fetus that gets aborted?” is not a valid argument.
A fetus having more knowledge than a doctor is unlikely. There are however, valid arguments. What if the cure for cancer lives in the person with a “black sounding name” and gets their application thrown out? The cure for cancer may live in the mind of a mother who becomes pregnant and is forced to quit school to raise her child. What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who starves to death? The cure for cancer could be in the mind of someone who was raped and quits science because of the trauma. There are plenty of things that prevent scientific advancement real life things, racism, misogyny, violence, and oppression.
It is more than likely that someone who has strong religious beliefs will be anti-choice. The separation of church and state is not applied to this situation. Abortion should not be a debate that involves the state. The average American is entitled to their own religious beliefs, not forced to believe anything but if abortion was illegal, religious beliefs are being enforced upon the people.
Clearly abortions are beneficial to society