Watching the TV show 16 and pregnant can show …show more content…
you the troubles, responsibilities, and maturity it takes to raise an infant with or no little help or support. First, taking care of a child isn’t going to be like playing baby dolls as a young kid. It’s going to be a challenging and tiring process trying to finish school, and having to support a child. Most likely this woman will have to get a job so you are able to pay for the child’s expenses. According to Cory Neering, becoming pregnant at a young age affects the teens’ ability to finish school, influences their ability to make a living, and affects their child in numerous ways. Taking care of a baby also means sacrificing your night out with friends to stay home with your child. Shirley Arthur states, “When you decide to keep and raise the baby, you choose instant adulthood. When you become a parent, you choose to leave behind a part of yourself that was more carefree, had few obligations or responsibilities, and had a lot of personal freedom.” Parenting can be entertaining, but don’t forget it takes a lot of maturities and responsibilities to care for an infant.
Choosing adoption gives the family the opportunity to control the adoption process, they will get to choose who will be their child’s adoptive parents.
The birth parents may be able to keep in touch with the family and receive letters and pictures from them. Shirley Arthur claims, “Most birth parents say that making an adoption plan was the hardest thing they ever had to do. They are comforted in knowing that their baby is having a good life and chances they could not provide. They are able to get on with their lives and continue growing and maturing.” If the mother wants to keep the adoption confidential there are closed adoptions. In her book Surviving Teen Pregnancy, Shirley Arthur describes “In a closed adoption, the birth mother might see the baby for an hour or two and then sign the adoption papers. A closed adoption means that you sign the papers releasing your baby without knowing the identity of his new family.” Adoptions are a difficult choice, but there are different choices for adoptions that may help you pick the best choice for your child.
Many women believe that abortion is the “easy” option. In different cases it is, although abortion can be a very emotional process. The best decision is to decide early, to have the abortion or not, wait too long and complications can happen. There are different ways women can have the abortion. They could choose to take medicine or have the baby surgically removed. If women choose the medication they would have
continuous appointments, but if they have the baby surgically they will have a few appointments before the abortion, then once they have the procedure done they won’t have to go back.
Teen parenting can be difficult, but always knowing the other options can help. Abortion can end the difficulties of having a child; however, many feel abortion is wrong. Adoption gives children lives parents cannot give them, but some believe it’s difficult giving up their child. Parenting can get demanding and expensive, but teen parents say they enjoy having a child to care for. Having options gives teen parents the ability to choose what’s best for them and their baby.