A child should not be punished for your irresponsibility. An abortion is not a condom, or the morning after pill; you are actually hurting someone. If you truly are not ready for the responsibility do not hurt a child put them up for adoption because then you can always explain to the child you were not prepared for the responsibility.Abortion has reduced the number of adopted babies. The number U.S. infant adoption dropped from about 90,000 in 1971 to 18,000 in 2007 (Koch). Around 2.6 million American women were trying to adopt children as of 2002, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Therefore do you still believe that an abortion is a right thing to do? I hope not; abortions are wrong. Abortion is murder and women who have an abortion should be punished. Just imagine how the fetus feels at the very moment the abortion procedure is happening; screaming their little lungs out and having no one even bother to care. Take responsibility for your