
Abortion: Should A Woman Kill Her Unborn Child?

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As each years goes by more women are getting abortions some are legal with others can be illegal. While each woman’s choice to end a babies life’s differs many people can not get past the fact a women is murdering her child. There has been a huge controversy on the abortion debate for many decades. Some people feel like abortions are downright sickening while others would say that a woman having an abortion is no big deal because it her body and she can do whatever, she wants. In the bible is states, Do not Kill the innocents ( Exodus 23:7: The New Testament). According to the bible it states that killing another human being is just not right and is a sin. However, is there a way to justify, why a woman should kill her unborn child? In my paper, I will discuss, the pros to having an abortion and the negative ramifications …show more content…

When a person talks about an abortions, some people can see the justification in wanting to kill their unborn child. Majority of the woman’s abortion takes place in the first trimester. For example, some people see that, having abortion is a safe procedure for a women and that there is a slight medical complications that can happen during the abortion process. In recent studies, there has been less the .5 percent of the women who suffer from medical complications. Meaning that a woman does not have to worry about something medically happening to her after the abortion. Furthermore, abortions do not prevent a woman from being able to get pregnant in the future when she is ready to start a family. Another reason why some people are for abortions, is because what if the woman was raped by a family member or raped by a person. When a woman has the baby she constantly has to be reminded about the way her baby was conceived. From there this issue can cause a psychological effect on the

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