Biscuits are a household name these days. The markets are flooded with biscuits of everytaste and for every age group. Sometimes it would be just difficult for us to decide on what togo for. These are good combinations with a hot cup of Tea or a coffee. They make a quick and a tasty snack any time and in any situation.In India per capita consumption of biscuits is estimated at a low 1.5 kg, reflecting the huge potential for growth of the industry. Over 900 million Indians buy and eat biscuits withvarying frequency in any year.The penetration of branded product in this segment is quite significant, and is valued atRs 2,500-3,000 Crore. None of the other wheat-based segments is as developed as the biscuits industry. The biscuit segment has developed with large markets of mass consumptioncovering over 90% of the overall potential market.The Indian biscuits' market is estimated to be 1.1 million tonnes per annum and valued atover Rs 50 billion. The unorganized sector accounts for over 50% of the market. The markethas been growing at a CAGR of 6-7% pa. The present biscuits-bakery sector in India lookslike a battlefront. The battle being led by stalwarts like Britannia and Parle with closecompetition from other companies like ITC, Nutrine, HUL Kissan, Kwality and eveninternational brands like Kellogs, Nestle, Sara Lee and United Biscuits.There are two entrenched players in the biscuits market
- Parle and Britannia have 85% of the market share. Britannia is undoubtedly the leader with brands like Tiger, Little Hearts andMilk Bikis. Britannia's Tiger brand is selling largely in the rural areas which actuallyconstitute 56% of the biscuit market. But in the Glucose segment Parle G is the marketleader. Also players like HLL and ITC have huge presence in the market
In India, there is a huge unorganized sector. Biscuits market on an average grew at 8% per annum in the last five years. The rural penetration of the branded biscuits segment is