Scholars are skeptical of his Christianity, but they believe that he was a Christian. Some of his quotes mention God or are Bible-related. He said the following on the topic of making Thanksgiving a national holiday: “They are the gracious gifts if the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless, remembered mercy” (Sandler, 62). During the Battle of Gettysburg, he said he had no fears of losing because he knew God would take care of everything. During his Gettysburg Address, he realized that our nation was one nation under God. Before he left Springfield to go to Washington, D.C., he gave a speech. He said, “Without the assistance of that Devine Being…I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail (Fleming, 72). In another instance, he made the comment, “It is the duty of the nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, and to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow (Leidner, …show more content…
His cousin Dennis said, “Seems to me now I never seen Abe after he was that he didn’t have a book in his hand or in his pocket (Fleming, 7). Because of his constant reading, Abe’s father would get angry with him, calling his ‘lazy’, since he thought he was trying to escape from work. During the times that Lincoln did have the opportunity to attend school, he would spend his recess time reading books. This made his head so full of knowledge that he acted as his friends’ leader. Little did he know that one day he would become their