1 A&B.
Looking at the functions of these various structures, the Government which is a formal organization that directs the political life of a society and the Politics which is the social institution that guides a society’s decision making about how to live; the Economy which is the social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and the Capitalism, which is an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned; certainly, The government is the primary beneficiary because it functions to direct the political life of a society. In turn, polities guide the society’s decision making about how to live; so the political …show more content…
• Conservatives support a return to traditional “family values” that rate commitment as more important than individualism. They urge parents to spend more time with their children.
Liberal and conservatives disagree on the ideal traditional family, because liberal feel the traditional family trap women into abusive relationships, while conservative’s beliefs the traditional family values is more important then individualism. While both the liberals and the conservatives agree to the general good of the family, the radical left disagree with both the liberals and the conservatives on the ideal of having the family institution and supports the abolishment of the family.
3 & 4.
I don’t know; because in the general sense of what the family is, allow us to form or make many fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, uncles and etc, namely to those that we accepted and recognize to play that role. So the family is very important like both the liberals and the conservative’s points out that it is positive and the foundation of health society. Secondly, I belief that attitude, behaviors or characteristics are things we learn. And therefore if we learn and master (perfected) our roles in society for the good of each other, inequality based on class, gender, and sexual orientation wouldn’t be a problem. Because we will know and understand who we are, and recognized our societal