BDSM which is known to be a fetish, or kinky fantasy for those who are sexually adventurous. The term BDSM is very broad discussing various play scenarios from plantation play to bondage, and ways to arouse your partner while enjoying these kinky fetishes. Also, involving aspect of race play, feminism, intersectionality, and porn .Which will be used as subtopic to further elaborate their relationships to BDSM. Race play known as a sexual role play between multiple races of people, and Porn which is known for its many BDSM films, and movies to drive the human imagination wild. Feminism and Intersectionality tie into woman’s rights, and how woman are portrayed as vulnerable and submissive sexual beings which isn’t true. The paper will discuss these very topics discussed in class, book, papers, and group projects.
Ortmann , David .Sexual Outsiders : Understanding BDSM Sexuality and Communities
Plymouth, UK. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2013
Dines, Gail . Pornland: How porn has hijacked sexuality Boston, MA. Beacon Press, 2010
Hill, Patricia, Collins “Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism” Taylor & Francis, 2004 Nash, Jennifer “The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography” Duke University Press Books 2013/03/14
Bibliography: Ortmann , David .Sexual Outsiders : Understanding BDSM Sexuality and Communities Plymouth, UK. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2013 Dines, Gail . Pornland: How porn has hijacked sexuality Boston, MA. Beacon Press, 2010 Hill, Patricia, Collins “Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism” Taylor & Francis, 2004 Nash, Jennifer “The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography” Duke University Press Books 2013/03/14