Psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers have conducted many studies gathering information on many disorders. Most of these disorders can be diagnosed using a variety of scales to measure the altitude of affectiveness, the disorders may have to the indvidual. However, no one has taken the time to discover what method truly extracts the exact information to assess an individual's behaviorial disorder. A study was carried out to find out which method was recommended of use between an online survey tool and the Personality Diagnostic
Questionnaire(PDQ-4). This is important information in that psychiatrists can now get a better idea of what method to use when they are looking for answers, whether it is a behaviorial disorder, or how badly it's affecting the individual. The test consists of 99 true and false questions that are followed-up with clinical severity screen if necessary. The online survey tool contains eight materials, one of them however have proven most effective; the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV Axis–II Personality Questionnaire (SCID–II–PQ). Over 1,000 potential participants ( were administered in this experiment from the participant pool of the University of Kentucky. The participants were divided into two groups; one underwent using the online survey tool, and the other underwent the PDQ-4 study. 40.9% of the participants reached the diagnostic threshold for OCPD on the PDQ–4, and 50.4% met criteria using the SCID–II–PQ.
This suggsts that the prescreening was successful in getting a good amount of OCPD symptomatology. The PDQ-4 is valid in that it asks you a vast amount of questions for YOU to answer, letting the clinician aquire a better understnading of your background ad what might have