On chapter 13 is were Tom runs away. He ran away because he thought his parents didn’t love him after not getting what he wanted. Tom runs away with Joe, his friend. They make this run away …show more content…
an adventure pretending to be pirates. Tom and Joe meet up with Huck Finn and invite him to go with them. They meet up near the river at midnight. After their journey they get caught and then their families made a funeral for them. While the ceremony was happening Tom showed up and the people there were shocked. “He said; nobody loved him;” This explains were his family doesn’t like him. “..where the Mississippi River was a trifle over a mile wide, there was a long, narrow, wooded island, with a shallow bar..” This quote explains where they left and they were gonna meet up.
Abuela Invents a Zero The short story of “Abuela Invents the Zero” begins with the grandma telling her granddaughter that she made her feel like nothing.
The abuela says that Constancia is embarrassed of her because when they went to church she got up and walked around making noise and getting everyone’s attention. Constancia was embarrassed that she was going to be made fun of at school. There was a part of the story where her dad made her go take her somewhere but she argued because she was going out with friends. “I am so embarrassed that even though the woman next to me is shooting daggers at me..” This quote from the story explains she is embarrassed, and this happened at church. “He tells me this on Saturday night as I’m getting ready to go out to the mall with my friends” This quote explains were her dad is telling her to go to church but she’s going out with her friends but she then has to cancel and take her grandma to …show more content…
3rd My Life While I was at Mexico I ran away with my cousin because my grandpa was being mean.
I was 8 and my cousin and I were being nosy watching one of my aunts be with her boyfriend. He then hit us. I was mad so then I ran away with my cousin to my Aunt’s house. When we came back we got grounded and my family had a family meeting to see what else they were going to do. I related to the chapter of Tom Sawyer because of when Tom and Joe ran away, then they came home to a funeral. Tom’s Aunt thought he was dead so she did the funeral. The funeral was like the meeting they had. The other story I related to was “Abuela Invents the Zero” I relate to that story because I use to be rude to my grandma because I didn’t really like her. I would try to ignore her and get away from here. When I would visit her in Mexico I would not go to the store or church when she invite me too. I would rather be out with my cousins. I relate to this story because I was like Constancia, I then understood how bad it was to treat others like she
All in all the things we do in life do shape our values because that is how other people will see you as and know you the best by. Each story had a reason on how I related to. The values show how you would respond to situations, good or bad, that go your way. It defines how you make your choices towards other things